Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fun at the Fire Station

The local library hosted a children's story time at the fire station.  The boys had a blast.
Jack opted out of sitting in the fire truck. 

Can You Guess What Happened?

Jack had to go potty and decided standing at the front door to relieve himself was as good of a spot as any.  Don't worry, this is after a bucket of water had been thrown on the porch.

Estes Park

This is the backyard of the cabin we stayed in at Estes Park. Beautiful!
This shot was taken standing on the back porch.

Rocky Mountain National Park

Rocky Mountain National Park

Yes, there was still snow on the trails in June.

Rockies Baseball Game

Da Boyz

Job and Jack played in a bucket of dirt for ~30 minutes.  They would pick up a handful of dirt then put in down their shirts.  They thought this was the funniest thing.

Heading out for a bike ride.
Fun with Mr. Potato Head stickers.  I love Job with a mustache. 

Thursday, July 9, 2009

More Kid Pics

Jack is potty trained.  We celebrated by having a little party for him.
The celebration wouldn't be complete without a cake.  And for the candles -- he thought he had to have them.  One candle for #1 and two candles for #2 :)

Pics of The Kids

This is how they spend much of their day.
Jack is upset about something.
What are they doing?  
Catching rain water falling off the umbrella.

Job's Last Day of 3-4 Year Old Preschool

More NYC

Sarah in her Baby Bjorn.  She spent many hours in it on this trip.

Dinner in Little Italy.

Bryan, Shi, & Sarah Hit the Big Apple

The little figure in the background is the Statue of Liberty.
Beautiful Central Park.
More of Central Park.
Bryan breaking it down "Big" style at FAO Schwarz.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Stuck in the Closet- Again

The boys love to play in their closet.  The problem is it contains lots of junk that they like to climb on and "rearrange".  On multiple occasions they have placed so much stuff on the floor they are unable to open the door.  Here are some pics of Bryan trying to pry the door open to get the boys out.  This happened once when Bryan was out-of-town and I (Shi) thought I was going to have to call the fire department.

Random Pics from Spring '09

Gotta love getting a couple feet of snow in April.
Cousin Dylan and Great Granddad Bob came for a visit over Easter.
Jack loves to hold baby Sarah.
The boys dressed themselves to go outside, but forgot an article of clothing. 

Hiking At The Air Force Academy