Thursday, July 9, 2009

More Kid Pics

Jack is potty trained.  We celebrated by having a little party for him.
The celebration wouldn't be complete without a cake.  And for the candles -- he thought he had to have them.  One candle for #1 and two candles for #2 :)

Pics of The Kids

This is how they spend much of their day.
Jack is upset about something.
What are they doing?  
Catching rain water falling off the umbrella.

Job's Last Day of 3-4 Year Old Preschool

More NYC

Sarah in her Baby Bjorn.  She spent many hours in it on this trip.

Dinner in Little Italy.

Bryan, Shi, & Sarah Hit the Big Apple

The little figure in the background is the Statue of Liberty.
Beautiful Central Park.
More of Central Park.
Bryan breaking it down "Big" style at FAO Schwarz.